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Mouse pointer in a sentence

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Sentence count:37+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2020-06-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pointerintersection pointcounterpointhouse painterto the pointoff the pointblue pointchokepoint
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(1) Move the mouse pointer to the menu bar.
(2) Position the mouse pointer and click.
(3) In essence, this makes the mouse pointer disappear disconcertingly when the pointer is moved on the pad.
(4) This is done by clicking the mouse pointer either on the top right-hand upward pointing arrow or the extreme top left-hand dash.
(5) Simply clicking on the Koopa with the mouse pointer before he gets away will trip him up.
(6) Position the mouse pointer within either window area and click.
(7) The screen tip will appear at the mouse pointer later when you hold your mouse over the image.
(8) Does the mouse pointer still work even if the keyboard doesn't?
(9) The mouse pointer can be used to place the text cursor anywhere on the document and also to activate menus and commands.
(10) You lose the mouse pointer.
(11) A question mark appears beside the mouse pointer.
(12) Pixel distance from mouse pointer to a polyline.
(13) Returns or sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.
(14) The mouse pointer changes into a plus sign ( + ).
(15) The Code Editor opens and mouse pointer is located inside the newly created default event handler.
(16) Tool tips - When you place mouse pointer over an identifier, a tool tip with information about the identifier appears.
(17) In a source window, place the mouse pointer over any variable in the current scope.
(18) The current coordinates of the mouse pointer are shown on the lower left corner of the terminal window.
(19) Drag onto the page to add a mouse pointer with a Tooltip to a diagram.
(20) Main Electric Circuit Ignition: Use the mouse pointer to turn - on the ignition switch on the dashboard.
(21) The text is entered directly from the keyboard having first selected its position between the staves with the mouse pointer.
(22) You can then insert the shape onto your slide by drawing the area with the mouse pointer.
(23) Each component has mouseX and mouseY properties, which tell you the relative location of the mouse pointer with respect to the component.
(24) A tooltip is a small rectangular window that is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over some specific area.
(25) Enables you to use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the mouse pointer.
(26) You can use a touchpad or graphics tablet to move a mouse pointer.
(27) Acceleration - this slider allows easy control of the speed of the mouse pointer when you move it.
(28) Expand the details for the class shape and move the mouse pointer over the class members.
(29) See thumbnail views of the items in your taskbar by resting your mouse pointer on them.
(30) Hover styles don't work because you don't "hover" with your finger in the same manner that you would with a mouse pointer.
More similar words: pointerintersection pointcounterpointhouse painterto the pointoff the pointblue pointchokepointcurie pointgrade pointat the point ofneedlepointto the point ofon the point ofvantage pointbalance pointextreme pointcome to the pointkeep to the pointpressure pointbeside the pointpointedpoint-to-pointreference pointpercentage pointpointedlyappointeeappointedequivalence pointgrade point average
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